Monday, January 11, 2010

Boogie Time

Another indoor day due to icy roads and cold weather, I've had cabin fever for a week now. Braden and I danced around the upstairs while I was getting laundry done and cleaning the bedrooms. Braden LOVES to play vacuum. So much that I cringe when he walks over and points to the bedroom where the vacuum is. I guess there are worse things in life and at least the dog hair is not a problem anymore. He's really starting to communicate with me and I've been around him enough to know what he is saying even if it's bbllliiigggrrr llaaggeerr ggllluurrbb. I just love our conversations right now, he really thinks he is talking and he'll just go on and on.


  1. Did you pull out the 80's dance moves with him? How are you doing? My Mom is also visiting for a little while!

  2. I left a comment and hit anonymous, but its from me Kristen! :)

  3. Carrie, some of those moves from the 80s I don't think my body can move that way anymore. :) I'll never forget you and the running man though... that is imprinted in my brain FOREVER. hahaha. I'll finish this on your blog...

  4. My sisters favorite is when I do the running man on the elevator in SLOW motion!
